Video: Eurovision Tel Aviv 2019 a fost castigat de bisexualul Duncan Laurence (Olanda) cu melodia „Arcade”. A cantat si Madonna

20 mai

SACCSIV - blog ortodox

TEL AVIV, ISRAEL, MAY 19, 2019: Contestant Duncan Laurence representing the Netherlands poses with the trophy as he wins the 2019 Eurovision Song Contest. Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS (Photo by Vyacheslav ProkofyevTASS via Getty Images)

Asa a aratat melodia in timpul concursului:

Iata si clipul oficial postat la 7 martie 2019 si care a strans pana acum peste 11 milioane de vizualizari:

Duncan Laurence e bisexual. Mesajul melodiei (considerata printre favorite inca de la inceput) ni-l descifreaza chiar el intr-o postare Facebook din 2018:

‘I have struggled with who I am. People like to put other people into tiny little boxes. […] but I  know that’s just the easy way of seeing the world. Seeing either black or white, but never grey. I refuse to live in a box. I’ll create whatever I want to create, I’ll love whoever I want to love […]’

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